Tuesday 21 October 2014

Teaching Ideas on a Budget

Inspiration for lessons can come from anywhere, even junk mail! Yes, that's right. Those annoying advertising magazines that clog up your mail box. Read on.

This morning, Sam didn't want to go to the park. As we were heading out of the house to take Zoe to school, he picked up
Zingo (a great picture bingo game from Thinkfun) and said he wanted to play Zingo at Nanny and Grampy's house. It was an overcast morning; good chance it would rain, so I agreed. Zingo is a fun, but educational game so this could be our first session of the day.
Sam was the bingo caller and did a fantastic job, but his get-up-and-go lasted only one game. He walked away from the table and no amount of coaxing would bring him back. He was grumpy and contrary. I gave him two options - play another game, or go home. "No. No." "OK, how about we go to the park?" thinking some play in the fresh air might brighten him up. "No" to that idea too. Now with a typical child, you might be laying down the law at this point, but with Sam things are not always straight forward. You have to read the signs, between the lines, use mental telepathy and check the tea leaves at the bottom of your tea cup. You get the idea. 

Sam had now curled up on my parent's sofa hugging his favourite toy 'Roo' and had his thumb in his mouth. He rubbed at his eyes, which looked heavy and ready to close. This was a sleep issue, not being naughty. We're having a few problems in that department, but that is another post. Mum asked if I wanted to let him sleep. It was one of those times where you need to be flexible and not push. It highlights perfectly the reason I decided to home school him. I let him sleep.
He slept soundly for almost two hours! Not sleeping well myself, I took the opportunity to have a power nap. It must have done the trick, because as I was waking up I had the idea for my 'Junk Mail Story Book.' Mum had collected the morning post and was sat across from me flicking through a Bunnings Warehouse advertising magazine. (For those of you who do not reside 'Down Under', Bunnngs is a huge DIY retail chain.) I heard her tell my Dad she would keep it for Sam. He loves reading junk mail. My recharged brain slowly rebooted and images of the junk mail flashed across my mind. Pictures, cut out, story, write words. Sam was still sleeping so I pinched some paper and pens from my Dad and got cracking creating my first activity for Sam's English session. I was able to combine reading, writing, cutting skills and matching pictures to words all in one activity.
So the lesson for today is don't bin that junk mail straight away. Have a go and see what ideas you can come up with to teach your kids. Happy cutting.

Junk mail story book :)
We read the story...
...found the picture to match the word and glued it  above the word.
Sam wrote the words under mine, then we read the story again. Our story book has ten pages so Sam did really well.
Sam needs to practice counting 11 to 20, so that is our focus this week.
Sam matched the numbered cups to the numbered plates.
Then Sam matched the number word on the paddle pop stick to the numbers on the cup and plate.
It's addition time. Again using 11 to 20 (tomorrow is 16 to 20), we are focusing on + 1.
Our home made calculator - coloured buttons. We counted out 11 then added 1 more button. Counted them all together and hey presto, we have our answer - 12.
Sam wrote his answers on the whiteboard. He got full marks and a big hug.

We finished up our Math session with a bit of iPad action.

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